The End of Season Celebration With Hog Roast Lutterworth!

The local junior football team of under 16’s had had a fantastic football season and had won most of their matches. Their manager, Paul, wanted to throw them a celebration party at the end of the season to congratulate them for all the efforts that they put in. In addition, Paul wanted to thank all of the parents of all of his players who consistently supported the team through all seasons and weather forecasts. After the last game of the season, Paul invited all of the team and their families up to the local golf club where he has hired a room to host their end of season party. He had also booked the Hog Roast Lutterworth team to come and provide some casual, but tasty food for his hungry players.

Once all the families and young players had arrived, they Hog Roast Lutterworthmingled and enjoyed the drinks and music while Paul toasted to several people that had made huge contributions over the season. The Hog Roast Lutterworth team put the finishing touches on their buffet and served the beautifully presented Hog Roast up to the local football team. After a long day, and a tough game, the players celebrated their well-deserved win and tucked into the buffet provided. The players and family alike enjoyed the tasty flavours and arrangement of freshly roasted meats. In addition, the Hog Roast Lutterworth team provided a fantastic service which the guests really enjoyed and Paul was impressed by the team’s organisation and how smoothly the Hog Roast ran.

In addition, there was no need for Paul to be anxious about running out of food as the Hog Roast Lutterworth team continued to cook while everyone ate so that everyone could return for second and third portions without the buffet running out of food. The Hog Roast was ideal for the party as it matched the casual, yet upbeat atmosphere of the party and allowed the guests to talk and move around as they were not restricted to their table as they would have been at a restaurant meal. Paul’s party went really well and it was a great way for the team to end the season.