Book in Your End of University Year Celebrations With Hog Roast Arley

It’s the end of the college and university year, and after the many lectures, tough tutorials, long nights pulled in the library, and all-night study sessions in the lead up to exams or to finish that 4000-word essay, you are due a break and even a celebration to see yourself into the summer. That is where we at Hog Roast Arley can help out. You’ve done all the hard work over the last 8 months, so allow us just this once to do the work for you in cooking you and your friends up a delicious catered dinner to mark the end of the academic year. Throw a party, call up all your classmates, and enjoy a final student party with the best buffet available from Hog Roast Arley.

Hog Roast ArleyYou may have gotten used to student cooking this past year, but with Hog Roast Arley’s professionally made, stylish roasts  you can forget the pot noodles and the cheese toasties and instead enjoy a full plate of freshly made meats, sides and salads. Unlike a pot noodle, our trademark hog roast takes a couple of hours to cook just right, so our Hog Roast Arley will arrive early to your event and immediately get to cooking our namesake speciality. In the meantime our top end chefs will also be prepping many other foods from fresh so that come dining time everything is hot and ready to go at the very height of its freshness and taste. For a university party you might want to enjoy a buffet with the best roast meats and delicious roast potatoes, fries, ribs, and sides available for guests to pick at in their own time.

Hog Roast Arley are also an excellent option if you happen to run a university club, team, or society as we know that you will also be looking to celebrate your end of year balls and awards evenings. We again can provide a formal dining experience for your club members at a reasonable price too so that you are not blowing your entire societies budget in one go!

Simply call right now to enquire and we’ll be with you the second your exams are all done and dusted!